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Friday, DECEMBER 7 update!


Only 2-1/2 weeks until Xmas. OMG so soon!

Remember to treat yourself. We have presents available this weekend, all beautifully wrapped in sexy dresses, lingerie or less.

Available at first location... make your booking from CHARM, ELLIE, LUNA, RIVER or NAOMI.

FYI Naomi is new name for Pinky. She is hot if you haven't seen her. And we've had feedback that her service is much improved from when she started a few months ago.

Charm is sexier than ever and really fired up to throw herself into bookings this weekend. Don't miss her when she's super horny!

At next location, VICTORIA, STARRY and NICHA are available. Nicha is new to Auckland, joining us from Christchurch and has super boobs.

At next location, SASHA, CANDY, SUNSHINE and BELLA are available. All four are working Friday night. Candy's hours are longer than before if you haven't seen her.

At other location, PEACH should be around.

So come and unwrap one of the girls!

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